Mission 4 Worksheet

Take responsibility for organising and running part of the section programme.

This mission should include:

  • Planning and organising a selection of activities on a theme
  • Delivery of those activities
  • Evaluation and review of the activities with the section

To complete this mission, you could:

  • Plan and run a linking event with either the section above or the section below, working with the leaders of the sections above and below to arrange everything
  • Plan an event, night or activity, ensuring it is appropriate for the age range of the young people, and is well-suited to the venue
  • Include members of the section in the running of an evening
  • Plan and run a Challenge Award with the young people, ideally choosing one that either has not already been achieved by anyone in the section, or which has been achieved by the fewest members
  • Plan the monthly, termly or yearly programme of activities needed to achieve the award
  • Plan a camp for the section (under the supervision of a leader with a Nights Away Permit)
  • Help the young people in the section to explore a particular topic, or to develop some specific skills
  • Any other ideas, subject to agreement with the ESLYL and SL