In order to ensure that events are as problem and stress free as possible for all, there are certain constraints and considerations that Explorers need to be aware of when booking on events. These are outlined below:
1. Within reason, decisions regarding all aspects of the activities will be negotiated with a member of the Explorer Scout Leadership Team..
2. We expect a reasonable standard of behaviour, which will take into account the feelings and wishes of others, particularly of other Explorer Scouts.  For example we would expect that they:
  • Respect any rules imposed.
  • Keep noise down to a reasonable level.
  • Strictly No alcohol to be consumed.
3. Explorers are expected to take responsibility for their own conduct in keeping to the agreed timetable.  A regard for their fellow Explorers, the Leaders and members of the public will be essential.
4. Explorers are expected to be adequately prepared for events and to bring all the contents of any kit lists or seek advice from Explorer Scout leaders. (Please note that limited kit is available for loan, should you need to book any kit, please discuss with the leader in charge)
5. Explorers will agree to any final decision made by any member of staff. 
6. The normal disciplinary code will be used for any breaches of this code of conduct, or Scout regulations as summarised on the Scout Web Site.
In the case of an emergency, if we are unable to contact the stated emergency a member of staff can take, or sign for, any action which may be required.
By continuing to book this event you are agreeing that you will make your child aware of the event code of conduct and that in the extreme case of early return on disciplinary grounds, you will be responsible for collecting your son/daughter from the Scout Camp Site and that someone will be contactable for the duration of the camp.